The benefits of Hatha Yoga have been well documented. It consists of a combination of physical and mental techniques which include Breath work; Static held poses on the ground and standing; meditation, sound bath and relaxation. This ancient practice has long been known for it’s preventative and therapeutic benefits for the mind and the body.
For the body it will increase flexibility which includes joint and muscle mobility by taking the joints through their full range of mobility. Taking the joints through their full range of mobility means that areas of cartilage that aren’t normally used are replenished with nutrients, helping to keep them healthy and preventing them from wearing out.
It will also strengthen and tone the muscles, increase core strength and will help to improve posture. Poor posture can cause back, neck and other muscle and joint problems. With plenty of backbends, forward bends and twists, yoga will protect the spine from degenerative diseases. If you have tension anywhere such as in the hips, neck, shoulders, back or anywhere else in the body it will help to ease and eliminate pain. Correcting muscular imbalance and assisting the body to heal itself.
Yoga also stimulates all of the bodies major systems, including blood circulation, the endocrine system, lymphatic system and immune system. It will improve digestive metabolism to aid better absorption of nutrients from food. This in turn assists in the elimination of waste and toxins from the body. Combined with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, yoga can also help with weight management. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
For the mind, this calming and relaxing practice will relieve chronic stress patterns that create tension in the body. This will unblock and free the flow of energy throughout the body. It will bring you into your highest state of consciousness and spiritual awareness, bringing you into you your fullest alignment.
It will also aid focus, concentration and memory by clearing away mental clutter, bringing you into a feeling of being centred in mind and body.
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